Photographs capture precious moments and memories that are irreplaceable. By taking extra steps to care for your images, you can ensure that these memories are preserved for future generations to enjoy. Proper care helps prevent loss, damage, degradation of the images over time and heart ache.

Here are a few examples of things you can do to protect your much loved memories.
  1. Make multiple backups: Create multiple copies on different storage devices.
    Example: Computer’s hard drive, an external hard drive, or even cloud storage services like Google Drive or Dropbox. This ensures that your precious memories are protected even if one storage medium fails. Write down login details and passwords and share it with your family.
  2. Organize and categorize: Organize your images into folders and subfolders based on events, dates, or themes. This will make it easier to locate specific images in the future. Proper organization saves time and minimizes the chances of losing or misplacing images.
  3. Use reliable file naming conventions: Give images meaningful file names to describe the content. A consistent and descriptive file naming convention will help you quickly identify the images you are looking for. For example, you can use a combination of date, event, and location to create unique file names.
  4. Check file integrity: Over time, digital image files can degrade due to various factors like file corruption, format obsolescence, or storage medium deterioration. By regularly checking file integrity and using reliable storage solutions, clients can help maintain the quality and integrity of their images, ensuring they can be enjoyed in their original form.Use checksum verification tools or image management software to verify that the files haven’t been corrupted or altered. This step ensures that the images remain intact and can be accessed without any issues.
  5. THE BEST SOLUTION: Print and display favourites. While digital storage is convenient, print and display your favourite images. Printing not only allows you to enjoy your photographs every day in physical form but also serves as an additional backup in case of technology failures. Create photo albums, frames, or canvas prints to showcase your cherished moments.

Life happens, and it happens when we least expect it and it happens fast. Make sure that you have taken the necessary steps to preserve and store your images so that your children can enjoy them as much as you did.